Model Policies

These model policies are for use by APSCo members only, as internal policy documents. The policies are in draft and must be customised prior to use and may not cover all the requirements relevant to your business. It is a precedent, for guidance only and does not constitute legal advice.

The documents are correct to the best of APSCo’s knowledge at the time of publication. APSCo can take no responsibility or liability for the use of this policy document or for any consequences of such use.

Should you have any concerns or queries regarding the use of this document, please contact APSCo’s legal helpdesk at [email protected].

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


To use, for example, in an employee handbook for when an employee adopts a child. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


Used to explain how you deal with allegations both about candidates and from candidates about clients. These policies will be made available to candidates and clients and is a requirement for Compliance+ members.

Following the recent updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022, we have now created two separate policies for Social and Education members.

  • Model Allegations Policy (for Education members only) - Download
  • Model Allegations Policy (for Social Work members only) - Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


For reducing and controlling the risk of bribery. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

When your employees use their private phone, computer or other devices for work. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


To enact guidelines against anti-competitive agreements between businesses. Download 

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


For external complaints, i.e. coming from outside your organisation. This policy is a requirement for Compliance+ members. Download

(For employee complaints, the document Disciplinary, Dismissal and Grievance Procedures should be used). 

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Disciplinary, Dismissal and Grievance Procedures

Procedures, rules, and guidance on undertaking disciplinary action against employees and dealing with employee grievances. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Employee Code of Conduct

Used for setting out rules for your employees. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Employee Wellbeing

Communicates your commitment and obligations to your employees' wellbeing and sets out the services available to your employees to help maintain their health and wellbeing. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Employee Privacy Policy

A privacy policy to go alongside your employment contracts - Employee Privacy Policy

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


To promote environmental management policies and practices at every level. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Equal Opportunities

For encouraging diversity, both in-house and in recruitment. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


Sets out rules and procedures for reimbursing your employees for costs they have incurred in your service. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Flexible Working

If you allow for flexible working. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Health and Safety

Sets out how your organisation manages health and safety issues. This policy is a legal requirement if you have more than five employees. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


Sets out your position and approach to staff working at home on an occasional or regular basis. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Information Security and Data Protection

Sets out your data protection procedures and is an internal document. See the model policy document Privacy Notice for an external document. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Internet, E-mail and Social Media

To manage your and your employee's use of the internet, social media and electronic communication. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

IT and Telecommunications

To manage your and your employees' use of internet and computer and telephone facilities. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Maternity Leave and Maternity Pay

Used for setting our rules and procedures for you and your employees, concerning pregnancy, maternity pay and leave and return to work. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Parental Leave

Sets out rules on taking leave to look after a child or make arrangements for a child's welfare. Parental leave can be taken up to the child's 18th birthday. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Paternity Leave

Sets out the arrangements for taking paternity leave. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Privacy Notice

Used to notify data subjects how, why and for how long you process their data. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


Sets out your procedures and responsibilities to protect vulnerable persons. These policies are a requirement for Compliance+ members.

Following the recent updates to Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022, we have now created two separate Safeguarding Policies for our Social Work and Education members.

  • For safeguarding children (for Education members only) -  Download
  • For safeguarding children (for Social Work members only) -  Download
  • For safeguarding children and adults at risk (for Education members only) - Download
  • For safeguarding children and adults at risk (for Social Work members only) - Download
  • For safeguarding children (for Wales members only) - Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Safer Recruitment Policy

The aim of this Safer Recruitment policy is to help deter and prevent people who are unsuitable to work with children from applying for or securing employment. Download the Policy and the summary of the most recent changes here.

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Shared Parental Leave (Adoption)

Outlines the arrangements for shared parental leave and pay in relation to the adoption of a child. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Shared Parental Leave (Birth)

Outlines the arrangements for shared parental leave and pay in relation to the birth of a child. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Special Leave and Time Off

Sets out your procedures and rules for requesting leave for, for example, public service, medical appointments or religious holidays. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Social Value Policy

Sets out how you provide your services in a way that maximises the benefits to your local and regional communities. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here

Substance Abuse

For setting out company rules on alcohol and drug use. Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here


To ensure fair and consistent treatment of employees "blowing the whistle". Download

Instructions on how to customise the policies can be found here