At APSCo, we are focused on the policy reform needed to deliver better workplaces. We know that professional skills are in short supply across key sectors and that technological change is impacting skills demand within the labour market. By partnering with business, the public sector, and advising workers, the recruitment sector is key to the success of Britain’s highly skilled sectors, including technology, engineering, life sciences, finance, and clinical healthcare.
Productivity depends on the right workplace regulatory environment, opportunities and protections for workers, and a plan to address skills shortages. The Labour government announced around 40 bills in its first King’s Speech seeking to address these challenges, and we’ve read through the details to bring out the key points for members, in our King’s Speech 2024: Policy Analysis providing our view on the likely impact.
Many recommendations in our 2024 Manifesto – Tackling the Professional Skills Crisis, align with the new government’s policies, but APSCo will continue to articulate the case for appropriate regulation, not over-regulation, of our professional recruitment sector to improve efficiency and drive economic growth.
APSCo proposes a series of reforms to the regulatory environment designed to protect individual workers, drive economic growth, and maximise productivity.
More should be done to overcome the skills shortages in the economy by upskilling the workforce.
Following the changes to the way we live and work since the pandemic, a new policy focus is needed to ensure legislation keeps up with the speed of change in hiring and working practices and workers’ rights.
APSCo believes that when combined with a focus on skills-based recruitment, technology can be used to enhance opportunities for good work and drive economic growth.