Alison Humphries Award winning NED and strategic advisor. Working with recruitment business owners to help them achieve their objectives profitably, intentionally a...
John Rose John has been passionate and energetic about the recruitment sector since he entered as a graduate 30 years ago. After his early years as a Consult...
Kai Murray Kai specialises in guiding business leaders and their teams to play a bigger game effectively and sustainably. She has a real passion for helping l...
Paul Chapman Non-Executive Director / Independent Director / Board Advisor / Coach / Mentor / Consultant. If you are looking to grow your business within the UK...
Stephen Rookes Stephen has an outstanding reputation as a leader in promoting best practice in Risk & Compliance for the professional recruitment sector, both...
Steve Carter Steve has almost 35 years of recruitment agency experience and has been dedicated to supporting SME organisations since 2015. He believes that the...
Vanessa Collins Vanessa has a passion for operational excellence with extensive experience which enables her to bring a rounded approach, she is known for her prag...